Get outside with your family and explore Surrey’s Green Timbers Urban Forest and take part in the Green Timbers Heritage Society “Selfie Scavenger Hunt” as part of Environmental Extravaganza for 2021.

Sample Instagram post with the hashtag #GTUF2021

Find at least five of the locations, featured wildlife and plants on the list below in Surrey’s Green Timber’s Urban Forest and Park. Post a selfie of each item in the list to social media with the hashtag #GTUF2021 to be entered into a draw for great prizes. Contest extended to the end of June! Winners will be messaged via Instagram by early July.

  1. Beaver Lodge
  2. Glacial erratic
  3. Ferns
  4. Birds
  5. Flowers
  6. Tree cones (3 types)
  7. Stewart’s Tree
  8. Large stump
  9. Insect(s)
  10. Fungi
Have Fun and Good Luck!
Practice safe social media postings and don’t tag names or personal identifiers.
Other hashtags to consider using for Green Timbers Urban Forest are: #greentimbers #greentimbersurbanforest #surreybc #urbanforest