trip to the erratic

A trip to the erratic


In brief:

  • account set up, and regular walks are happening.
  • Discussions with Translink and the City about Skytrain running down Fraser Highway
  • Updates about the parking lot by the Surrey Nature Centre
  • SNAP season about to start.
  • Mark the dates! Green Timbers Open House May 31, 1-4pm at the Lake, Party for the Planet April 18, next directors meeting (open to all) March 10

So much to say!

It’s been a while, but lots of things have been happening!

We now have an account with Visit to see upcoming walks, meetings and events. This is part of our efforts to reach people using tools they are already using.

Fraser Highway update

Over the past few months the Society has met with both Translink and the City over Skytrain being built along Fraser Highway. We’ve been down this road before, so to speak, a few times before. The Skytrain will take a smaller footprint than the light rail would have, and both the City’s engineering department and Translink have been working hard to minimize the impact on the forest on either side of the highway. It’s a controversial subject for many members, but the Society is trying to advocate for the natural, recreational and historical use of this corridor while recognizing its value as a transportation corridor for all of Surrey’s citizens.

Watermain on 148

If you’ve gone along 148th Street you’ll notice Metro Vancouver is building a substation for the new watermain that will be running along there.

Surrey Nature Centre Parking Lot

An enhanced parking and drop-off area at the Surrey Nature Centre is still underway. Due to drainage requirements the rain garden will need to be enlarged, including removing some of the beeches along Green Timbers Way. Once the parking lot has been built, the area will be replanted with shrubs and trees as part of the landscaping plan. The plan is to replant with trees matching those in the arboretum, so visitors step into a learning environment as soon as they leave their cars.

Rascally beavers

Yes, the beavers are still there in the swampy area just north of the Lake, doing what beavers do best. Has anyone managed to get a picture of them? Please share!

World Wetlands Day

The Friends of Semiahmoo Bay Society organized a World Wetlands Day event at the Surrey Nature Centre on February 1 and invited the GTHS to host a table. There were great presentations and an informative walk to the Lake.

Surrey Natural Areas Partnership (SNAP) gearing up

Our SNAP Coordinator for the past year, Shenae Borschneck, is heading off to new adventures this Spring and has been handing the keys over to Amy Kim! This year marks SNAP’s 20th year, and the City is really stepping up to the plate to make this the best. year. ever. We’re aiming for 20 people (20 people for the 20th year, get it?). Hiring is underway, grants being written, and plans being laid.

Mark your calendars!

  • Green Timbers Open House May 31, 1-4pm at the Lake. This one is pretty significant — it’s 90 years since the inaugural plantation
  • Party for the Planet April 18 — we’ll have a table there
  • next directors meeting (open to all) March 10 — 6:30 pm at the Surrey Nature Centre.