More than 400 people visited the fourth-annual Green Timbers Arbour Day on May 13 to celebrate trees in the birthplace of reforestation in B.C.: Green Timbers Urban Forest.

The event, held among the 1930 inaugural plantation and arboretum, was part of Surrey’s ninth-annual Environmental Extravaganza, which involves more than 40 free events and educational programs for all ages in different locations throughout Surrey between April and June.

The event was hosted in partnership between the Green Timbers Heritage Society ( and the City of Surrey to raise awareness about community, regional, provincial, and global environmental issues and to promote community stewardship.

“Arbour Day was set aside for the planting of trees and the promotion of conservation,” said coordinator Brenda Boye. “Today, people planted about 150 seedlings into pots so a few years from now they can be transplanted into parks throughout Surrey where they will grow for “years to come.”