Green Timbers Urban Forest, the Green Timbers Square Mile, and the Green Timbers Heritage Society

Ferns uncurling

In brief:

  • Covid-19 changes everything. Except the trees. Those are still there.
  • Contact info to report litter, vandalism, etc
  • Open house put on hold


Trees don’t get sick

You’ve probably noticed more people in the forest and park now that people can’t go shopping as much. If you’re enjoying the fresh air and gentle quietude of the majestic sequoias and firs don’t forget to keep 2 meters away from other humans!

Events on hold

The City has cancelled Environmental Extravaganza and Party for the Planet. We’ve put our plans for an Open House on hold. Depending on how things go we may try to do something later on. We’re also running our Society meetings electronically instead.

Vandalized trees

I forgot to mention it on the last email, but someone has noticed that someone has been stripping bark on trees in the section north of 100th Avenue. No one knows what’s going on here. Is it hopped-up junkies tripping out, punks pulling at bark because they don’t know any better, or some kind of tree-hating freaks? Terrible senseless stuff.

When you notice stuff that’s wrong…

If you do notice things like the vandalism noted above the best people to notify the City. They have a pretty good notification system online, and through their “My Surrey” app. Go to the “Online Services” button, then “Report a problem”. If you’re at home the URL is:

Please feel free to send a note to too. We like to be kept informed as to what’s going on in the park!

Surrey Natural Areas Partnership (SNAP) postponed

The SNAP program has also been delayed, at least until June. It’s sad because those blackberries and other invasives aren’t going to stop growing! However, this allows Amy to catch up on some of the administrative things that, although important, often take a back seat to running the program.

Interesting pictures?

I know some people have been lucky enough to see the beaver in its pond. If you’ve managed to get a picture of it, or any other nifty shot you’d like to share, let me know! We’ll feature it in our next newsletter. Or, if you instagram, don’t forget to use the hashtags #greentimbers #greentimbersurbanforest and maybe even #surreybc!

Stay safe everyone!