Yes, it’s that time of year again. We are required as a Society to have an Annual General Meeting where members will elect a new board of directors. We also go over the accomplishments of the past year and review the ever-exciting financial documents.


Annual General Meeting

Tuesday January 19, 2021
6:30 pm meeting
8:00 pm adjournment

Online only. Email for details.


Ricky’s All Day Grill – Evergreen, 8958 152 St, Surrey
We’ll be observing proper social distancing. We’ve booked the big room, so there will be lots of space.

Catch up with people you may not have seen in a while, ask questions about anything Green Timbers, and let’s get another set of directors elected for 2021.

We’ll try to have an online component, at least for the election, for those who can’t make it.

Please RSVP to “” so we can let the restaurant know how many to expect.


Call for Directors

Don’t let the fancy title “director” discourage you — we need a few warm bodies to help make decisions on behalf of the Society. Benefits include:

  • help shape the future of the Green Timbers Urban Forest and Park
  • an opportunity to hear directly from the City about plans and activities in the Green Timbers Urban Forest and Park
  • an opportunity to be involved in discussions and meetings with organizations like Translink, Metro Vancouver, etc over issues affecting this area
  • meet some great people
  • sorry, no clothing allowance or free trips to Disneyland

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please email me directly at to get your name added to the ballot. We will accept names up to 5 pm, Tuesday November 24, 2020.


Requirements to run and vote:

To vote at the AGM or to run as a director, you need to be a member in good standing. Memberships are $10 for one year or $20 for three. If you’re unsure send me an email ( or reply to this email.

If you’re ready to join, we now have a secure online membership system:


Get to know us more

Our last director’s meeting will be this Tuesday, November 10, 2020. We’ll be running it virtually through Google Meet (their version of Zoom). Phone-in options are also available. Everyone is welcome. Send an email to if you’d like an invite.